The Upcoming ex Starter Decks Revealed:

Every generation of Pokémon ushers in new Pocket monsters, new strategies, and new trainers. Players young and old will pick up a deck for the first time and battle their friends! Some will go on to build powerful and creative new decks that carry them to victory in local and national tournaments. But every trainer has to start somewhere. That is where starter decks come in. They offer ready-made decks to pop open and start battling. They're not top tier and they can always be upgraded but they make it easy to start. 



This generation is no different. The 9 new ex starter decks have been revealed. Many of your favorite legends and brand new heroes will be available to get your hands on. 


The newest ex decks feature: 

  • Decidueye
  • Victini
  • Greninja
  • Miraidon
  • Clefable
  • Koraidon
  • Houndoom
  • Melmetal


This year’s rotation comes with a twist! There will also be a random ex deck you can buy that could contain 1 of 2 decks that haven't been revealed yet! This adds some mystery and fun to a product that is usually straightforward. This product and the mystery version will be released in Japan on July 7th and cost 550 Yen. Stay tuned for the American release and check for our pre order.

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